15 December, 2010

The Specialist

This poem is from my "The Dim Light" collection and one of my inspirational ones (which I need more of). I hope you enjoy it.

The Specialist
Nobody can stop you
from loving unconditionally with your heart.
Nobody can stop you
of sometimes yearning and wanting to be apart.
Nobody can stop you
for putting in the time and becoming more wise.
Nobody can stop you
from feeling emotion and consoling your cries.

Nobody can stop you
for helping without a selfish gratuity.
Nobody can stop you
from showing all your candid ingenuity.
Nobody can stop you
from finding excuses to perform a good deed.
Nobody can stop you
from denouncing hate for the love and peace we need.

Nobody can stop you
from making friends inseparable to forget.
Nobody can stop you
from using your life for someone to benefit.
Nobody can stop you
from admiring all the hardships faced in your drive.
Nobody can stop you
for trying your hardest to live and to survive.

Nobody can stop you
from achieving recognition, your gallant shine.
Nobody can stop you
from reaching your faithful riches of the divine.
Nobody can stop you
from being the greatest person that you can be.
Nobody can stop you
from trying, nobody could, certainly not me.